March 20, 2008

Finklehopper, Finklehopper, Finklehopper Frog...

How Miss E loves you so!

I've been borrowing kids books from the library each time we go in. This week I grabbed four kiddie books:

The Undone Fairytale This one is for a little older age group, but the story sounded interesting so I thought I would read it.

The Boy Who Thought He Was A Teddy Bear Sounded and looked cute at the library, but after reading it, I wouldn't bother with it again.

Finklehopper Frog This looked cute and it was about animals... I didn't realize it would go over so well!

And one that I can't remember at this moment (It's in Miss E's room, so I ain't checkin' right now!). We read Finklehopper last night, twice. Per Miss E's request, we had to read it again tonight... We were able to sneak in The Boy Who Thought He Was A Teddy Bear first. "The Boy..." wasn't so great and Miss E didn't really enjoy it. So, on we went to Finklehopper, twice. Miss E also 'read' Finklehopper herself; she's memorized the first part of the story and flipped through the rest of the pages 'reading' the story to us. It seems she likes this book - the first I've brought home from the library that she wants to read over and over. It is a bargain book at amazon, so I think we may have to pick it up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute for words!!!

Love the upside down sunglasses!!

Kiss, kiss, kiss!! ~~ MOM